
We buy your products at wholesale cost as your exclusive Amazon and Walmart.com distributor. We handle sales and marketing turnkey, and report monthly analytics.

  • In our Buy/Sell Model, we take on the upfront inventory risk by purchasing your products at wholesale prices. This approach ensures you receive immediate compensation for your inventory, eliminating the need to wait for sales.

    In the Buy/Sell Model, we provide you with the advantage of upfront capital and risk management. We buy your products outright, allowing you to avoid the uncertainties of sales while providing instant liquidity for your inventory. You can count on timely payments, minimizing cash flow challenges.

  • We handle the entire sales process in the Buy/Sell Model, from listing your products on Amazon to managing customer orders and returns. This turnkey solution streamlines your Amazon sales strategy.

    With the Buy/Sell Model, we act as your exclusive Amazon dealer, ensuring your products are listed, priced, and managed effectively on the platform. This hands-off approach lets you focus on other aspects of your business while we take care of Amazon sales.

  • Our Buy/Sell Model includes strategic advertising efforts to maximize product exposure and drive sales. We utilize Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertisements to supercharge your product visibility.

    We go beyond simply listing your products on Amazon. With strategic advertising as a core component of the Buy/Sell Model, we actively promote your products using Amazon PPC ads. This targeted approach helps increase your products' visibility and drives more sales.

  • We work collaboratively with you to establish mutually beneficial wholesale pricing agreements, ensuring a win-win situation for both parties. This flexibility is a hallmark of our Buy/Sell Model.

    In the Buy/Sell Model, we understand that pricing is crucial. We engage in a collaborative process to set wholesale prices that work for your business while ensuring profitability for us. It's a partnership that benefits everyone involved

Unleash the Power of Amazon

Navigating the ever-evolving landscape of Amazon can be daunting. That's where we come in. Our commitment is to help you harness the full potential of this e-commerce giant. With over a decade of experience in selling on Amazon, we understand its complexities. We're not just here to manage your products; we're here to elevate your brand.

A Partnership for Success

We firmly believe in mutually beneficial relationships. Our buy-sell agreement is a testament to this philosophy. We invest in your inventory upfront, sharing the risks and rewards of the marketplace. By collaborating closely on wholesale pricing, we ensure your profitability while managing the intricacies of the Amazon ecosystem.

Data-Driven Decision Making

We're not just about execution; we're about insights. Our detailed performance reports offer a window into your Amazon world. Track monthly sales, monitor year-over-year growth, and gain invaluable advertising insights. It's more than data; it's the foundation for strategic choices that drive your business forward.

Tailored Support, Tailored Success

No two brands are the same, which is why our services are customized to meet your specific needs. Whether you're an established brand or just starting, we adapt to your unique requirements. From logistics to listing optimization, we tailor our support to ensure your long-term success.

A Comprehensive Approach

Our support extends far beyond logistics and listings. We become your trusted partners, taking direct responsibility for your Amazon presence. We navigate the intricacies, manage your inventory, and expertly handle the entire process, ensuring your brand's success.

Exceeding Customer Expectations

Exceptional customer support is at the core of what we do. We've achieved a remarkable customer feedback rating that speaks volumes about our dedication. With us, you can rest assured that your customers receive top-notch care.